Are you looking for Teleradiology Service?

In the fast-evolving landscape of healthcare, access to timely and accurate radiology services is crucial. Introducing SIGMA Teleradiology , a pioneer in providing cutting-edge teleradiology solutions tailored to meet your diagnostic needs.

What are the benefits of teleradiology?

Faster Turn Around Time

Efficiency is improved as technology is used to complete the process in short time

Reduce Manpower

Hospitals/Scan Centers do not need to staff radiologists at different shifts

Improved Patient Care in Remote /Rural areas

High standard of patient care at remoted areas where staffing radiologists is a challenge

Lower Cost

High standard of patient care at remoted areas where staffing radiologists is a challenge

Quick Response

Since the software runs on cloud, the backup & recovery process is automated in case of a system failure. Priority of the studies can be set in the application

After Hour Service

Teleradiology allows medical facilities to provide around the clock coverage while elieving the radiologists from the burden of being on-call at night.

Patient Satisfaction

Ensuring patients don’t have to wait to get the results of their diagnostic tests because teleradiologists can consult & give their opinions is the best way to provide quicker diagnosis & better patient care.

Second Opinion

It also provides room for a professional second opinion on diagnostic scans since patient data is digitised, providing patients with the best care.

Teleradiology Workflow

  • Patient is prescribed a radiology test by a doctor

  • Patient arrives at a hospital/scan center, booking is done

  • The radiology technician performs the scan, inputs necessary information at the modality

  • The scan images are transmitted to the attached workstation

  • Our software uploads the images on the PACS server and creates the booking in our teleradiology platform

  • A radiologist who is working online at a remote location is assigned the study automatically based on predefined parameters or manually by our team

  • The assigned radiologist examines the images in DICOM Viewer tool or Image Viewer in 3D/2D using multiple tools available and prepares the report

  • A reviewer reviews the report and approves or rejects

  • The report & Jpg images are immediately available at the hospital/scan center and can be printed out and provided to the patient immediately along with the bill